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Discharge Yoon Seok-ryeol!

Writers Association of Korea Statement




¡°Cool down and block up.¡±

¡°Let it cool down, and let it block up!¡±

We speak to Japan, cooling down and confining is a principled guideline and iron rule for nuclear accidents. Both Three Mile and Chernobyl were also cooled and blocked up. Only exception is Fukushima. It can't be.


Finland is stupid? Their radioactive disposal facility is at 455 meters below ground, took over 20 years. It is to confine nuclear waste for almost 100,000 years. In fact, the most difficult thing for human responsibility is the nuclear waste problem. Nuclear waste is uncontrollable, and the place where human beings cannot reach is an undersea¡¯s submarine ridge.

This awareness is important.


However, Japan insists on discharging nuclear wastewater. Japan insists you can drink it with Alps AIPS filtering that has not even received international verification. It is a nonsense to say that it is 'treated water' at a certain level. IAEA final report are also missing the cross-analysis , and the same avoidance of responsibility, same as Chernobyl case.The IAEA ¡®does not take responsibility for the results.¡¯If so, to whom we ask for the coming responsibilities?




Nuclear waste-water never be discharged.


The Fukushima meltdown is the worst 7th level, as the same level as Chernobyl. Chernobyl followed the guidelines. They Cooled it down and block it up. However, the Fukushima nuclear power plant is neither cooled nor confined. They will pour 500 tons per day into the sea over 30 years. we'd rather, discharge Kishida Fumio!


Specially, we pay attention to black-burn and ¡°debris¡±, still floating and accumulating in an active state in Fukushima's melted reactor.

Japan, a war criminal in World War II, once again want to be a war criminal for marine radioactivity. Japan, remember the lessons learned from Minamata disease and Itai-itai disease. Japan who does not reflect on irresponsible discharge of mercury and heavy metals can never escape from Internal Exposure, which is the indra network of the food chain.




We humans cannot reach the 7,000m deep submarine ridge.


The sea is a creature. The 7,000-meter and 4,000-meter ocean¡¯s submarine ridges flow, rage, run over and overturn. These submarine ridges are located in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Oceans and connected to the Arctic Ocean. So, the sea is a living creature from the beginning. Why did Japan insist on mentioning only ocean¡¯s surface currents, the shell of the Pacific Ocean?

The sea is tired.

Nuclear waste in addition to plastic and crude oil waste that does not decay even after 500 years makes us think about the humanity of evil.

70% of the total biomass of organic organisms including fungi, algae and shellfish will suffer an irreversible catastrophe from Internal Exposure.

The spilled water cannot be picked up again.



We also note.

This is the current trend since the Fukushima nuclear power plant explosion in 2011. For 10 years, the president of the IAEA was Japanese (Yukiya Amano, 2009-2019 tenure), Japanese Prime Minister Abe mutually agreed. Amano and Abe, it was the honeymoon period. They followed the old principles, 1997 ALARA, As Low As Resonably Achievable, as a road-map.

Japanese government, over 10 years, used the ambiguous 'Reasonalby Achievable' nuclear waste-water discharge as Standard Guidelines for Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Countermeasures and pretended that it fits the standard. For packaging suitable for low-cost nuclear wastewater discharge, Japan put forward the ambiguous word ¡®Reasonably Achievable¡¯ as golden rule. Meanwhile, Japan has been diligently, diligently, pouring money into the IAEA for over 10 years and even a vast amount of volunteers were persistently put in. Of course Kishida bribed IAEA, 1 million ¢æ and 800,000 ¢æ, barely nothing compared to the entire disposal cost.



Despite this situation, Yoon Seok-yeol joined hands with Japan.

If we also jump on the bandwagon in the arrogant, arbitrary, one-sided discharge of the nuclear wastewater, how can we pick up the nuclear waste-water! If so, there is no choice but to pressure the president's neglect of duty to protect the national territories and waters. We will ask the crime of omission, as a commander-in-chief. If so, we should rather discharge Yoon Seok-ryeol.



Humanity must stay alert. About nuclear power plants, nuclear fuel, and nuclear waste. We must have clear vigilance. Opposition to Japan's release of nuclear wastewater!

Our direction has already been set.

Resist and fight, tenaciously and cheerfully.

We will continue to fight.


Therefore, in the name of 8 billion humanity, we command Japan!

> Kishida, stop the nuclear wastewater discharge, right away!

> Cool down and block up. Fukushima!

> Cool down, solidify, and block up, nuclear waste-water!

> If not, discharge Kishida!

> If not, discharge Yoon Seok-ryeol!




Writers Association of Korea



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